挑战,永不停止 ——淄博十八中高一级部英语演讲比赛
时间:2020-11-28   访问量:1921




In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of students to learn English, improve students' interest in oral English, create a good English learning atmosphere, and provide a stage for more students to show creativity and excellent English. On November 27th, grade one of Senior high held the English public speaking contest. The competition, as the first activity, recieved a lot of attention from all the teachers and students.

The topic of the contest was “challenge” and the contestants could draw up their own titles. Sixteen contestants showed their own talents in the following aspects: topic setting, speech style and speech content. The wonderful speeches of the contestants left a deep impression on everyone, and won the affirmation and praise of leaders , teachers and students. After the contest, Mr.s Yuan, chairman of the Labour Union made a speech, affirming the contestants' adequate preparation and excellent performance. She also encouraged students to attach importance to English learning and dare to challenge themselves for lifelong learning with her experience of pusuing the master's degree in the United States when she was in her 40s.

The contest is aimed at improving and standardizing students' oral English. At the same time, it also trains students' English expression ability and enables students to accumulate experience of speech contest. Through this competition, the students not only express their potential, and show themselves to all the people, but also add more colors to their high school lives.  Always challenge, never stop!